Innovative Corporate & Social Responsibilities

At innovative Publication, we believe that “Without reinstating ethos of Corporate social responsibility, no business can sustain. After all, we aim to serve society for its benefit and betterment".

At Innovative Publications, we endeavor for transparent business operations and performance. We comply with a higher set of ethics and values, which guides our governance procedures and daily management decisions. In order to have a long-term valuable impact on the social context of all its stakeholders and to effectively contribute to the protection of the environment, Innovative Publications recognizes that compliance to ethical and legal standards is above profit-making.


We have created Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and policies in place to ensure the long-term well-being of the surroundings. With the help of our literate community, we would like to do the best of our capabilities for society and its people.


We are glad to share the various initiatives in different dimensions that we at Innovative Publication have implemented as a part of corporate social responsibility. The same has been duly updated in this webpage.


Responsibilities towards Environment

Innovative Publication’s environmental policy demonstrates our commitment to the environment. We at innovative implements business practices that deploy minimum usage of the material that causes adverse effects to the environment.

The company’s comprehensive environmental policy includes progressive goals on recycled fiber usage, greenhouse gas emissions, responsible usage of papers, recycling of paper, no usage of polyethylene in the premises, cleanliness drives, etc.

One of the key concerns that the publishing industry faces is the obligatory requirement of printing. In order to overcome this major issue, we constantly work on improving the quality and accuracy of the data. This enables us to print the most accurate data in a single go, without wasting the papers in the trial runs. In addition to this, we also encourage our customers and users to follow our Print on Demand (POD) initiative.

We were also given the “Green Merit Award” by Green-O-Tech India for our initiatives of “waste paper recycling”.


Personnel Social Responsibilities

At innovative we are wholeheartedly committed to the social responsibility of promoting the well-being of one and all. We have successfully implemented various measures that have effectively worked for the welfare of society. These initiatives include:

Woman empowerment – The co-founder Nikita Pandit is actively involved with organizations like SAVVI for the betterment of underprivileged woman and girl child education.

Scholarly Aid – We promote education for the children who are deprived of their basic right to education by working alongside some NGOs.

Book Donations – We are widely known for this initiative of technical and research book donations to the different institutes.

Free Online Access to Journals – Most of our esteemed Journals are online accessible from any corner of the world to those in need.

Personnel social responsibilities During COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. When our country was facing the toughest time during the lockdown, we assisted the masses with the best of our capabilities by carrying out the following activities

Open online poster competitions for children which were meant to keep them occupied improvised their knowledge and at the same time let their creativity come out.

Mass electronic mailing from the organization to stakeholders and associated organizations for updating the public about the Do’s and Dont’s during the COVID times.

Promoted Various research works even during the pandemic and accelerated their researches by our FastTrack peer-reviewing system.

We continued to appreciate the work of all the front-line workers during the crisis by various means. 

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Responsibilities towards Researchers

Supporting Researchers globally is a vital part of what we are doing. We need research from around the world to address global challenges. We remain committed, therefore, to support researchers in developing countries on their publishing journeys. Read on for more information about our development initiatives and how you can use these if you’re a librarian, author or researcher.

Discount and waiver to Open access (OA) mean making published academic research freely and permanently available online so that anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research.

We want to make the option to publish in open access journals available to as many researchers as possible. So, to help achieve this, we offer waivers and discounts on the APCs (article publishing charge) required to publish in many full open access journals.


Last Updated: 05th March 2021


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